Home Gospel Outreach Trip
A Home Gospel Outreach Trip can be a great way to introduce your church to evangelistic trips. There are a number of ways you can assist as we endeavor to plant churches in Maine.
- Assemble and distribute packets with church information and Gospel literature.
- Evangelize door to door, at fairs, and at community events.
- Assist with special events.
- Construction projects.
- Help at our print shop - Royal River Baptist Press.
- If you are not able to come, perhaps you could pray for, and financially assist those who can. Also, financial assistance for printed materials, such as Bibles, Gospel tracts, brochures, Bible School materials, and direct mailing campaigns is always a great way to help get the Word of God to people who have never heard.
Please contact us so we can provide you with more information about when and how you can be involved in helping to establish more Bible preaching churches in Maine and throughout New England
Pastor Brooks Suttle
Phone: 207-899-7949